I'm going to talk about a very important topic which concerns each of us..
I always ask, who's my real friend?..This question made me wonder about the qualities
that I should find in any person to become my sincere friend.
Friendship is not of the first time once you meet a certain person..There should be some qualities to decide if that person deserves your friendship. In my view, trust comes at the top of these qualities, it's not good to trust anyone from the first time, second, third, nor from the ninth time...and it's considered foolery if one thinks he can get the trust easily from others..
To get other's trust, it may last months to prove that you are worthy to be trusted..and the desired person to be a friend means sometimes to put you in some situations to see to which extent you are honest then decide if you are trusted or not...
Another quality we should regard when choose a friend. Honesty, actually, I don't like dishonest people who used to lie upon others and build their friendship on a false basic.
If thers's dishonesty between friends, the relationship won't last long,, and it's sure that one is going to leave the other because of this quality. Friendship relies basically upon trust and honest..
One of my friends , once she hears my voice cries, and cut the call then recalls again when she finishes, that was after we departed each other. Indeed, this reflects sincereness feelings she carries towards me, for she still remmber me and I won't forget persons who still remmber everytime we spent together.. And rarely one find sincere persons for this reason who has this quality is a precious person...
There are alot of days passed in my life which I spent with my friends, they were share me all my feelings, they delight if I delight, and get upset if saw me sad, moreover, they not merely share certain moments in my life but also advise me and help me to forget any depressive situations. I mean exactly, persons who seek to get you happy by anyway and try to create the most beauty memories in your life, who stand beside you, and know what's inside you from the first look. Those are the real friends..
It sounds enough now, maybe because I got tired, any way, I hope you follow these advices when choosing friends, and we should bear in mind that friendship is a precious thing, so, we should be careful while making desicions in such topics...
best wishes for you
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